jueves, 22 de marzo de 2007

spOt pubLicitariOs divinètäS

sU spOt PuBlIcItArIo Ha SiDo uN gRa NbOmBaZo cOn El "SpEaKeR"
mIrEn UsTeDeS y JuZguEn!!

tAmBiEn Os DeJo La LeTrA!!
Speaker speaker on the dancefloor tell me speaker what is wrong is it that groove doesn't make you move is it the sound that doesn't make you go round tell me speaker what sound is coming around dAncefloor dancefloor dancefloor Speaker speaker on the dancefloor tell me speaker what is wrong is it that groove doesn't make you move is it the sound that doesn't make you go round tell me speaker what sound is coming around dAncefloor dancefloor dancefloor Light from the glitterball music from the dancefloor Light from the glitterball music from the dancefloor Light from the glitterball music from the dancefloor Light from the glitterball music from the dancefloor Speaker speaker on the dancefloor tell me speaker what is wrong is it that groove doesn't make you move is it the sound that doesn't make you go round tell me speaker what sound is coming around around around around around around..... dancefloor dancefloor dancefloor
Es La CaÑa dE SoNg!!

mArCa InTerNaCiOnal cOnOcIdA En TOdO eL MunDo!! aQui oS dEjO Su aNuNcIo

Chanel...QiEN No A vIsTo El anuncio dOnDe SaLe nIcOle kIdMaN cOn ese AlUcInaNtE vEsTiDoO..

xA lOs qUe No Le HaYaIs ViStO aQuI oS lE dEjO!!

GiOrGiO aRmaNi


cAlViN kLeIn

tOmmY hIlfiger


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